Sunday, August 27, 2006

So Flash

I just wanted to say something small about flash sites, even though I wasn't at the lecture...
I have been designing websites for quite a while and my biggest angst on the web is with flash sites.

While they break new ground for web design that can't be done with the usual html code I still can't be bothered waiting for them. Even with fast internet connections, every sub section must pause while it loads and every page must move and be interactive.

I have only made a small handful of totally flash sites for bigger businesses who want the style, while most companies would rather the ease of use and sophistication of the traditional text and image tabled effect that most sites give. I find most people want their information to be read, not clicked on and played with.

Flash within sites seems to be the way to go, small sub sections or menu's in flash but I still stear clear from it. It seems strange that I feel left behind while I continue to make money from an old form of web design, I don't know whether the lecture covered it, but what do people think about flash taking over? personally I don't think so but I have talked to people who are certain everything will have elements of flash as the web moves forward.


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