In the future: Would Mobile Phones Dream of streaming Sheep?
Remember those rather lame telecom ads where a guy wishes that he's mobile can automatically translate his Chinese into Maori or that girl who wishes her mobile can tell her if her pants make her ass look fat? Well, lame as they are such features could feasibly be possible in the future with new and advanced ai. In fact the mobile phone can then do countless things both useful and ridiculous, at a price of course. So that's 50c each time you want an opinion about your ass, say $2 for a quick motivational talk from a "digitized" Tony Robbins (he should be dead by then, i hope), $10 for a private 3D holographic virtual sex session, etc etc. Some featues would be standard and free.(Hopefully), this would include the ability to transform into a robot and serve you i.e. make you dinner, do your homework, give you a.. hmmm maybe not that far. The coolest feature of all would be the fact that it can actually talk to you and be your true friend. (This feature will be limited to the amount of "ai speech packs" that telecom or vodaphone would sell at insane prices as many paid features like "rate my ass 2day" would not be needed anymore as your phone would be smart enough to tell you then. But of course smart as we are we'd download it off the internet illegally, right?). So there you go, a smart, talking robot transforming mobile phone that can do virtually anything for you. Oh I forgot to tell you that it breathes radioactive fumes and feeds on our brain cells. It also sleeps and dream of streaming sheep....
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