Sunday, October 15, 2006

When i think of cyborgs i think of the awesome Mala Brajkovic and her last season titled 'Cyborg's rule, ok!' ( and the numerous movies with fembots, talking computers or machines. Mala Brajkovic's collection made me think of how the line between human and cyborg or technological beings is dissolving. Even our fashion is technology capable with haute couture developing pockets for ipods smaller than the pockets for their mobile phones.. even bags that can accomodate their lap-tops or burberrys. technology is ritual to our lives and we're becoming more and more reliant on it and even more unsociable. our language is technology-driven , shorter n txt stlyd. people are even having sex via technology.. on the computer.. via text messaging.. hey at least its safe. people like Stephen hawking have the capability to speak when their disability otherwise would've prevented. we no longer ring each other to make plans its a text message c u @ 7 @ counterstrike?.. I think it was Sadie Plant i could be wrong that said that mobile phones and other technology are extensions of ourselves. could it be that we are morphing into cyborgs, luke talked of an implant that could be inserted into our ears that could translate into every language. maybe thats the next cosmetic surgery. like the cosmetic cyborg i think someone has bloogged about. eventually we'll be implanted with more efficient computer-like qualities. maybe mala brajkovic's title had an intentional pun.. either cyborgs are awesome, ok! or really cyborgs do rule.. a thought. MOvies seem to embrace the cyborg as innovative evil as we see in Terminator with both man always coming through, Austin Powers and the fembots with nipple guns, 2001: Space Odyssey- Hal etc making people afraid of 'the cyborg' because of its human'like capabilities and their intelligence that could erase humans and take over the world.. blah. i think luke or the doco mentioned that cyborgs and machines though capable of talking moving an other human activity they will never feel or be emotive. therefore they're revenge or appetite for power could never occur. also 99% of human understanding is through the body expression, cyborgs could therefore never fully be responsive to humans. George Lakoff said in an interview with Iain A. Baol that ' there is no reason whatsoever to think that the kinds of computations that are done in artificial intelligence programs are "intelligent" in the way that human beings are. All they can do is follow algorithms'.

Body Brain and communication, Iain A. Baol in Holeton, Richard. 1998. Composing Cyberspace: Identity, community, and knowledge in the electronic age. McGraw-Hill. United States of America.


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