Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Let me tell you about Bebo

Before I start, I saw that people needed more information about me. I don't know how much you need to identify which student in class I am, but my name is Shane Mannell, my student ID is ******* and my favourite food is potato salad.

So, you all know about Myspace. Some use it for social networking. Some use it to find love. And apparently Al Qaeda used it to announce terror plots. Personally I use it for work. I am a stand-up comedian, and pretty much all NZ comics have Myspaces. That way we can trade ideas, organise gigs and post slightly askew black and white images of ourselves. But, deep down inside, I have a need to troll internet communities and generally make a fool of myself. And that is where Bebo came in.

Bebois yet another social interaction website. I call it Myspace-Lite, as it has far less things to do than Myspace. You can set up your own page, post little Blog comments and upload photos. You can also set up a page for your old school, and interact with students, past and present. Bebo is far simpler to use than that CSS giant Myspace. And as a result attracts a far simpler type of people. As I found out when a friend of mine introduced me to the Bebo page set up for students at my old High School. The stereotype that all young people are incapable of correctly using the english language when online is true. The best example of course is the old trick of UsInG cApS oN eVeRy SeCoNd LeTtEr so you get your point across. Fun. So I have collected many a death threat from my old township by tormenting these people. You can always tell a lot about the citizens of an internet community by their death threats.

You can also use what is called the Whiteboard to draw images in a MS Paint-like environment. They appear on the users page. You can also post a little quiz for your users to take, and imbed videos for others to watch. The notion of friend-hoarding isn't as big on Bebo however.

So I suggest that if you find Myspace too frustrating, and you like your posts formed as if a monkey threw a brick at a typewriter, then check out Bebo.


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